by Marla Keller
Unless you have been off serving in a very isolated part of the world for the past four years, you’ve (at the very least) heard of the comic and the AMC original series The Walking Dead. I’ll have to admit, I’m a huge fan of the show. I think a big reason why it is so successful is because of the character development. And, while we can’t relate to a nationwide zombie apocalypse, we all can very much empathize with the humanity expressed by the characters and how real they are willing to get. Last night’s latest episode was extremely touching to me. Now, if you wish to keep reading the only SPOILER ALERT there is is the fact that I mention two of the original characters that have survived. Other than that, I kept the big secrets to myself (as I mentioned before, I’m a huge fan, and totally respect the suspense of waiting to find out what happens for yourself). 5 Important Life-Lessons from The Walking Dead
What I am learning through this show is perspective on what it means to unconditionally accept, and therefore love, others. The very essence of community surviving is accepting each other for all the ugliness and standing together. Of course, it is usually not a matter of life or death for us in the real world, but I do believe our emotional well-being and trust in the communities we choose relies on it. And our emotional health as a community matters for the future of our world. What do you think about this? Have you learned the same thing from a different show or experience, or had the same feelings about The Walking Dead?
Marla and JamiCofounders of JamiAndMarla.LOVE (fka Passion Provokers and Keller Coaching) Jami and Marla are proud to bring a new level of success to coupleships worldwide with their unique coaching, mentoring, and consulting process. Their blogs are not only informative for coupleships they are personal. For over 25 years they have been helping people create emotionally and physically intimate coupleships. Ariel MinterAriel is a freelance blogger, web designer, and SEO consultant. She is 23 years young, married to her soulmate, and a proud “mother” to boxer Bruce and Yorkie Dexter. She focuses on writing content that is raw and relatable. (Info relevant at the time of writing, circa 2013-2015) Archives
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